Our Services
Within HVT-Group we provide a variety of services from engineering to execution and everything in between. HVT-Group can assist during your bidding, preparation and execution phase. Because HVT-Group is a fully independent service provider we can also provide advise and consultancy services throughout the full project life cycle.
During bidding phase we have only one goal and that is to help our customers to win the project that they are aiming for with the most safe and efficient execution method.
During preparation and execution phase our goal is to optimize the chosen method. In this document we will explain more specific on what type of services we can provide and how we serve our customers.
Heavy transport services
Road surveys
Transport plans & stability calculations
Transport supervision operators
Transport equipment
Heavy lifting services
Lifting plans & rigging solutions
Lifting supervision
Crane operators and riggers
Cranes and rigging equipment
Marine services
Load-out supervision
Ballasting services, incl. ballast plans
Stability and strength calculations
Mooring equipment and calculations
Project management
Project planning
Risk management
Stakeholder management
Project scheduling
Maritime & chartering
Vessel chartering
Port and terminal operations management
Voyage planning and execution
Cargo surveyors
Consultancy services
HVT can act as independent consultant for:
Any heavy lift, heavy transport or maritime project
During the bidding and execution phase
Crankshafts & ships engines
Assessment and planning
Preparation and execution
Risk management
Logistics and transportation
Thruster replacements
Assessment and planning
Preparation and execution
Risk management
Logistics and transportation
Site preparation and installation
Safety and risk management
Provision of equipment
Engineering studies